
Shamanic Maiden

“Shamanic Maiden” by Intuitive Artist Robin Nicole

This Shamanic Maiden lives her life through the rhythm of the Earth’s Frequency. She is connected fully to herself and to the land. She spends much time going within and traveling through her heart and imagination into the Upper, Middle and Lower World’s. She lives her life through sound and vibration, choosing each moment to live in the NOW. She is one with herself and one with the Earth. Seeking validation only from within her heart. She flies on the tips of the music notes seeking only to live alongside nature and a life of truth.

Unframed 9inx9in €200 + shipping

Framed 15.5in x 15.5in €250 + shipping

Mini – pocket size €25 + shipping

I sell them through PayPal. If you’re in another country outside Ireland your local currency exchange rate applies.


Soundbath (Framed)
Email Address + phone number
Shipping Address + Name



Soundbath (Un-Framed)
Email Address + phone number
Shipping Address + Name


Soundbath (Mini-Pocket Size)
Email Address + phone number
Shipping Address + Name